Phd fellowship
LIFEPHARM expects annually to offer 4 PhD fellowships within In Vivo Pharmacology, which will be announced on a regular basis.
PhD fellows will automatically be enrolled in the Graduate Programme of In Vivo Pharmacology and is expected to participate actively in this network.
KU-SUND supervisors from Section of Experimental Animal Models and Novo Nordisk Scientists are invited to submit project ideas for PhD fellowships to the Advisory Committee of LIFEPHARM. (The individual applicants cannot submit project ideas directly).
When a PhD project proposal has been accepted by the LIFEPHARM centre's AC group the selected PhD candidate has to follow the rules and regulations for PhD admission at KU-SUND. KU SUND Admission requirements
Novo Nordisk STAR programme
The LIFEPHARM Post Docs and PhDs with Novo Nordisk co-supervisors will automatically be part of the Novo Nordisk STAR fellows programme.
STAR Programme